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LTT Youth Sports Coach Training School, Dublin
The Youth Sport Coaches Training School was an exciting learning opportunity for Youth Sport Coaches to engage in cutting edge knowledge and practice relating to coaching young people. Content included:
- The role of the Youth Sport Coach.
- Developing and evolving a child-centred coaching philosophy.
- The growth and development of children – social, physical, emotional and cognitive.
- Physical Literacy.
- The fundamentals of movement, fundamental movement skills and fundamental games skills.
- The Coaches Toolkit: Your personal coaching skills – Explanations, Demonstrations, Setting Up Activity, Standing Back and Observing, Questioning and Listening, Feedback, Reflection.
Learners engaged in a blended learning approach of presentations, group work, practical coaching, self-directed learning and reflection to grow their coaching knowledge and coaching skills. Read more about the successfull LTT Dublin event.

Event brochure
Download a brochure containing key information and complete session schedules here.
"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."