
About EduPASS

The EduPASS project partners recognize that one issue for respective curriculum formulation on a bachelor and/or master level is “What constitutes a PE educator and a coach?”, the relationship between these roles within different European education systems, and potential points of connection.
Therefore, an inclusive approach needs to be taken, and current diverse European-wide practices need to be considered.
Thus, all EduPASS project partners are seeking for a general approach focusing on the education and training of PE educators and coaches, allowing an adaptation to national/regional contexts and/or different phases of education and training: initial education; Continuing Professional Development; in-service education).
We invite you to browse our website to learn more about our project implementation, projected results, intellectual as well as practical outputs and activities.

Enhancing PE Educator and Coach Education in Europe through the EduPASS Project Consortium

The partners of the EduPASS project consortium recognize that an analysis of the current situation in PE
Educator and Coach Education and Training identifying best practice is necessary to inform the
development and implementation of future PE Educator and Coach Education and Training programs.
Due to the diversity of PE Educator and Coach profiles in Europe, a common profile and framework of
standards for PE Educator and Coach needs to be established with at least minimal expectations. An
open source platform, making available a PE Educator and Coach Education and Training with different
modules and respective courses, adaptable to the regional/national context, is necessary to provide
access to all relevant stakeholders.

The aim of the EduPASS project is to address these specific objectives:


to bring together European Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and other stakeholders active in the education and training of PE educators and coaches and to foster their cooperation and mobility exchange

to provide an overview of respective educational programs on bachelor and/or master level in Europe

to inform and facilitate the formulation of a profile of a non-formal PE educator and a coach as well as a modular curriculum for educational programs on bachelor and/or master level in HEI based on this profile and core principles

to make this modular curriculum available for any interested stakeholders

to foster the delivery of non-formal and informal QPE by strengthening the non-formal PE educator and the coach profession

Implementation of the EduPASS project

The implementation will result in delivery of the following Intellectual Outputs (IO). If you want to learn more about the specific IOs, please check our Project Results page on this website:


Overview on Educator and Coach Education and Training in Europe

CEREPS will lead activities with support from all partners. A Literature Review will be implemented, and the EduPASS team will implement a Delphi Study, aimed at developing a consensus between European experts in PE educator and coach education as to what Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes and Values are most relevant for educational programs to train educators that work in non-formal and coaches who work in informal settings.


Recommendations on Educator and Coach Education and Training

Again, CEREPS has the lead in developing a Questionnaire and implementing a survey study. The project partners will reach out to national experts in PE educator and coach education and invite them to share their expertise on training program best-practices. Specific recommendations will be developed based on the experts’ feedback.


Educator and Coach Profile

University of Seville will lead this work package. Based on information gathered through Literature Review, Delphi Study, and National Expert Survey an Educator and Coach Profile will be proposed.


Theoretical and methodological framework for Educator and Coach Education and Training

The University of Seville will also propose a theoretical and methodological framework that reflects best-practice aspects and core components in PE educator and coach education and training. Again, the proposed framework will also be informed by the information gathered by implementing IO #1 and IO #2.


Modular program for Educator and Coach Education and Training consisting of course modules and teaching units

WGI will take the lead in developing the Modular program for Educator and Coach Education and Training consisting of course modules and teaching. On a European level, such a common program, based on best-practices and a respective methodological framework does not exist so far. For the development of the course modules and teaching units a commonly created template will be used. The developed modules will be implemented during the Learning Teacher Training events and undergo an evaluation process (cf. IO #6 and IO #7)


Method and tool to evaluate the Educator and Coach Education and Training course modules and teaching units

Under the lead of the University of Luxembourg a method and tool to evaluate the course modules and teaching units will be developed in form of a guidelines document available online. The output will consist of two different systematic evaluation tools assessing the quality of the course modules and teaching units from two different perspectives: (1) educator and coach educators and trainers, as experts; and (2) student-educators, in-service educators and coaches as target groups. The evaluation tools will be constructed as such that they will provide feedback allowing to decide upon the use of the course modules and to improve them, if applicable.


Evaluation study and report

University of Luxembourg has the lead in developing a report with the outcomes of an evaluation study of the piloted course modules and teaching units carried out by the project partners. This will be available in form of a report document online. The report will consist of the analysis and the interpretation of the evaluation results and the deviated conclusions, thus allowing to finalize and eventually improve the course modules.


Handbook and guidance material for the implementation of the modular Educator and Coach Education and Training program

Future users of the developed educator and coach education program and its course modules will need support and guidance when it comes to the implementation in their respective contexts. Therefore, support and guidance material have to be made available in one well-structured place, in order to facilitate this kind of implementation.

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