IO#1 – Overview on Educator and Coach Education and Training in Europe
Find details regarding the EduPASS project results pertaining to Intellectual Output #1 here. As part of the initial work within the EduPASS project, all project partners
- collected best-practice examples of existing Educator and Coach Education programs in Europe
- conducted a comprehensive Literature Review, and
- implemented a consensus Deplhi Study
Below you can find the respective final documents that were procuced.
EduPASS Intellectual Output #1, Methodology
Download a pdf version of the methodological approach, which the EduPASS partners adopted when implementing work on IO #1.
EduPASS Intellectual Output #1, Delphi Study - Final Report
Download a pdf version of the EduPASS Delphi Study Final Report by clicking on the button below.
"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."