Here you can find details regarding the EduPASS Handbook and Guidance Material, which supports the implementation of the modular Early Childhood Educator (ECE) and Youth Sport Coach (YSC) Education and Training Programme. As part of the EduPASS project, this handbook was developed to assist stakeholders accessing the EduPASS Online Teaching Platform to evaluate what they already deliver in their respective educational context for ECEs and/or YSCs against what we have created and consider:
• Where can they improve content they already deliver, based on our suggested materials?
• Where do they already have content we higlight well covered?
• Where do they have gaps and should consider adding certain modules/courses/teaching units to improve their YSC/ECE education and training programmes?
With this main objective in mind, the following handbook has been developed as guidance material to facilitate this process and serve as a practical guide for implementing and optimizing educational programs in diverse contexts.
EduPASS Handbook and Guidance-PDF
Download an interactive PDF version of the EduPASS Handbook and Guidance Material by clicking on the button below.
"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."